How to set up league that one shift bowls one week and second shift bowls second week.

In this situation, both shifts will bowl on the same BLS week, however, you would floor the first shift and import scores, then floor the second shift the following week and then import scores. Now you would advance BLS to the next week and repeat.

  1. You will need to first, set up the league into 2 shifts.  
  2. Set the social distancing appropriately, if needed, such as dark pair.
  3. Set the lane assignments dates to be 2 weeks apart.
  4. When you export, it will be 2 shifts.  
  5. When "week 1" bowls, you floor the 1st shift and import scores.
  6. When "week 2" bowls, stay on the same week # as the first shift and floor the 2nd shift.
  7. Then you will advance BLS to the next week and repeat steps 4-6.