After installing program, when starting up a Runtime error 217 appears

If you received a Runtime error 217, this indicates that your computer does not have a default printer selected. Usually this can occur when getting a new computer. 
If you use a printer with the computer, make sure you have installed the software/drivers for the printer and designate that printer as Default from within Windows.
If you do not use a printer with this computer, then we recommend adding a printer driver from the list of printers that come with Windows and after the printer driver has installed, select NO to printing a test page. 
If you do have printer drivers listed in your list of printers, reselect a printer to be your default printer, in case Windows "forgot" which printer was designated as the default printer.
While it is not required to actually have a printer attached to the computer that BLS is used with, a printer driver is necessary as part of the components used to generate and preview reports.
The resolution is simple by following these steps:
  1. Click the WINDOWS start icon, usually found in the lower right hand corner of the screen or press the WINDOWS key on your keyboard.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select DEVICES.
  5. A list of your printers are displayed.  Scroll to the bottom and UNCHECK the option LET WINDOWS MANAGE MY DEFAULT PRINTER.
  6. Scroll back up and select the printer you want to be the default printer.
  7. Click the MANAGE button.
  8. Click SET AS DEFAULT button.
  9. Close the window.  The program should operate now correctly.