How do I convert a Perfect Secretary league to BLS-2021?

CDE Software would like to welcome previous Perfect Secretaries to our family.  We understand that this is quite a change so late in the season and that having to learn a new program may be somewhat challenging. 

We have made it possible for you to import your team names and bowlers into our program to help alleviate the extra time of entering all the names and addresses.  However it does not import the rules or averages. The concept of the league secretary software is the same, just finding where to go is going to be challenging.
Below is a quick reference on how to navigate starting your league.  In our Help menu as well as the printed manual. 
Open the program, click on File, then Create from Perfect Secretary League.  Another window opens to designate a file name for the league.  A default file name for the league comes up or enter a unique one.   After clicking the okay, a wizard will come up that will help with converting the PS League to BLS.  Read the instructions and click Next.  To find the directory for the PS leagues, click the browse button, click on the local C drive, find the PSD folder and click Select.  Click Next.  The next screen will have a list of the leagues by folder, League01 etc.  Select the correct folder and click Create League.
A message box will pop up asking if you would like to use the rules wizard, it is recommended to use it.
Once the wizard is complete, it will open the General Rules section.  Verify that everything in the Rules setup is correct, make any changes necessary.  Click Done when finished. The Lane assignment screen will open and remove any dates (weeks/sessions) the league is not bowling.  Click in the Type of Week column, use the drop down arrow to select your position rounds, etc.  When the lane assignments are done, click Main Menu.  To verify the bowlers and teams, click Setup, Teams, Rosters.  All the Teams and bowlers will be there.  By clicking the dropdown arrow at the top, Averages and High scores, and selecting all information, the addresses, phones number, etc., will appear.
Anything associated with setting up a league will be under the Setup Menu.  Anything thing that would be done weekly, like entering scores, etc., is under the Weekly Menu. 
We hope this will help with getting familiar with our program.