Jackpot Tickets And Mystery Score

Jackpot Tickets
Select which tickets using the toggle switch.  Enter the Low (starting) ticket number (using the page up or page down increases or decreases the number by 20).  Repeat for the High (ending) number.  The program figures the number of tickets sold.
  1. Click on Start Spinning! Once the spinning starts, the Pick a Number button lights up.
  2. Click on Pick a Number! The last number generated will show in the black box with green numbers.
  3. Choose to pick it or throw it back.
Mystery Score
Toggle the switch for ‘Which Mystery Score?’
  1. Enter a Minimum score (using the page up and page down keys to go faster)
  2. Enter a Maximum score (using the page up and page down keys to go faster)
  3. Enter the number of No Repeats in the last numbers
  4. Click on Generate a Score button.Continue to hit the Generate a Score button until a winning score is generated.