LeagueSecretary.com Outage - Update 9/30 11am
Announcement by Lance Rasmussen [CDE Staff] - 9/29/2021 at 11:18 AM
Employee Post
Since 10am PST Sept 28th, there has been a hosting issue that affects the LeagueSecretary.com webservers.  Support teams from the hosting service are working on the issue and hope to have resolved as soon as possible.

Before uploading to LeagueSecretary.com within BLS, please visit https://leaguesecretary.com to see if the website comes up.  If not, then the service is still down.

Update: 9/30 11am.   Word from LeagueSecretary.com is that the hosting company had a catastrophic hardware failure and has replaced hardware and is hoping to have one of the servers restored and operational later today with the additional servers being replaced and put online as soon as they can.  Service may be slower than expected during this time.

Update: 10/1.   All services are up and restored.   Please visit https://mailchi.mp/cdesoftware/leaguesecretarycom-outage-update for additional details about the outage from the team at LeagueSecretaey.com
CDE Software Staff
Remember to always make sure you've downloaded and installed the most current update to see if issues experienced have been corrected.

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