LeagueSecretary: Bowler List/Previous Week
Problem reported by Travis Turner - 1/15/2019 at 3:27 PM
Trying to pull averages for January 1st and noticing when I pull down to change the week number in the "Bowler List" report, nothing changes, it is always the most recent week's data, regardless of the dropdown.

The URL appears to reflect that the week number has been selected, but data does not.  Confirmed with both Chrome and IE.

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Lance Rasmussen [CDE Staff] Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
Hello Travis,

For issues with the LeagueSecretary.com website, you should contact their support directly as the software is managed by CDE and the Website is managed by NABSO.
CDE Software Staff --------------- Remember to always make sure you've downloaded and installed the most current update to see if issues experienced have been corrected.

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