How to Fix Access Violation or Program Freeze When Uploading PDF of Standings in BLS-2025

If you experience an access violation or program freeze when uploading standings as PDFs or generating PDFs from the Print Preview screen, this may be caused by an issue with a library used for generating the PDF, specifically related to Standing Sheet Messages. Here’s how to resolve the issue:

Steps to Resolve PDF Upload or Generation Issues

  1. Remove Messages from Standings:
    • Try removing the messages from your standings and then attempt to upload or generate the PDF again.
    • If this works, the issue may be related to the content in the messages.
  2. Retype the Messages:
    • Put the messages back, but clear the content first.
    • Retype the content manually instead of copying and pasting it.
  3. Check for Special Characters:
    • If retyping doesn’t work, look for any special characters in the message content.
    • Remove any special characters and try uploading or generating the PDF again.
We are currently working on a resolution for the library causing this issue, but following these steps should help you successfully upload or generate the standings in PDF format.