How to Reduce an Even Number of Teams in BLS-2025

To reduce the number of teams while minimizing the impact on the remaining team numbers, it’s best to re-order the teams first and then remove the teams. Follow these instructions:

Steps to Reduce the Number of Teams by Reordering First

  1. Reorder Teams:
    • Go to Utilities > Teams > Reorder Teams.
    • Change the order of the teams so that the two teams being removed are placed in the last positions.
    • Replace the teams being removed with the last remaining team numbers.
      • Example: In a 10-team league where Teams 3 and 4are dropping:
        • Move Team 9 up to Team 3's spot and move Team 3 down to Team 9.
        • Move Team 10 up to Team 4's spot and move Team 4 down to Team 10.
      • This step helps minimize the number of teams that need to change their team order.
    • Click the green check mark to save your changes.
  2. Remove Teams:
    • Go to Utilities > Teams > Remove Teams.
    • Under Indicate Teams to Remove:
      • Select the last team and click Delete Team.
      • Select the next to last team and click Delete Team.
    • Click the Do It! button.
  3. Confirmation Dialog:
    • A confirmation dialog box will appear, giving you a chance to abort if necessary.
    • Proceed if you are certain.
  4. Information Dialogs:
    • Informational dialogs will notify you that the schedule and lane assignments have been changed and offer a chance to re-order the teams.
    • Since you already performed the reordering in Step 1, simply click the Do It! button.
  5. Verify Schedule:
    • Verify Position Rounds and other schedule information to ensure everything is correct.
By following these steps, you can effectively reduce the number of teams while minimizing disruptions to the existing team order and maintaining the integrity of the league schedule.