Changing Report Styles in BLS-2025

What is a Style? A style in BLS-2025 is like a template or set of items that are grouped together to format a report, such as a standing sheet or birthday list. These items are called style elements and determine what information appears in a report and how it is arranged.
Example: For a birthday list, the important items might be:
  1. Name
  2. Birthdate
  3. Age
These three elements can be grouped into a report style. You can also rearrange them, for example, to show age first, then name, and then birthday. Think of it like assembling a sandwich, where you choose what ingredients go in and in what order.
Styles are Shared Among Leagues: In BLS-2025, styles are shared across all leagues and reports. This means if you change a style (e.g., style #41 for team rosters), that change will apply to every league using that same style. So, if you need a unique look for a specific report, it's best to use a different style number and customize it.
Types of Styles Available:
  1. Bowler Styles (#1 - #80): Designed for bowler stats or lists, customizable.
  2. Team Styles (#120 - #200): Designed for team stats or lists.
  3. Fixed Styles (#201 - #240): Limited to spacing and font size changes.
How to Change Styles:
  1. Change Styles Screen: Click the Change Styles button.
    • Choose a style to view or edit.
    • Use the Style Group and Style List to select a style, and a preview will be shown.
  2. Using Suggested Styles:
    • Some reports have suggested styles.
    • If a suggested style is available, the Suggested Style button will light up. Clicking it will apply that style to the report.
  3. Finalizing Your Choice:
    • Click Use This to apply the selected style to the report.
    • To save changes to a style without changing the style number used for the report, click the green check mark.
Changing Styles in the Standing Sheet:
  1. Open the league and go to Setup > Reports > Standing Sheets.
  2. Select the section of the standing sheet you want to modify.
  3. Click Change Style.
  4. Either select a different existing style or pick a style to modify by adding, removing, or reordering items.
This flexibility allows you to create reports that reflect exactly what you need for your league, while keeping in mind that shared styles will affect all leagues using that same style. For unique needs, always select a separate style number and customize it as required.