How to Transfer a League Between a Secretary and a Bowling Center

Moving a league between the league secretary and the bowling center is simple, but both need to handle the data carefully to avoid any mix-ups.

Important Things to Know:

  1. Same Version: The center and the league secretary must be using the same major version of the software. For example, if the center has BLS-2025 and the secretary has BLS-2024, the league data can’t go back and forth. Data can only be upgraded, not downgraded.
  2. Similar Version Numbers: Both the center and the secretary should be on similar version numbers if there has been a bug fix or update. For example, if an important fix was made in version 37.02.08, both should be on 37.02.08 or newer.

From League Secretary to Bowling Center:

After the week is prepared, the secretary should:
  1. Go to UTILITIES > BACKUP > LEAGUE (or if the league is closed, MAINTENANCE > BACKUP > LEAGUE) and save the backup on a USB flash drive.
  2. If emailing the league, attach the backup file to an email and send it to the center, or take the flash drive to the center.
Note: Once the center has the data, any changes the secretary makes to the league will be lost if the center makes changes, imports scores, etc. Wait until the center finishes their work and sends the updated league back before making any further changes.

At the Bowling Center:

  1. Backup the league as a precaution by going to UTILITIES > BACKUP > LEAGUE (or MAINTENANCE > BACKUP > LEAGUE if closed).
  2. Delete the league in BLS to prevent data mixing. With the league closed, go to MAINTENANCE > DELETE > LEAGUE.
  3. If the backup was emailed, save the attached file to the desktop. If needed, copy the backup file to a flash drive to transfer it to the computer with BLS.
  4. Restore the league using MAINTENANCE > RESTORE > LEAGUE from the secretary’s backup.

From Bowling Center to League Secretary:

The process works the same in reverse. The center should:
  1. Go to UTILITIES > BACKUP > LEAGUE (or MAINTENANCE > BACKUP > LEAGUE if closed) and save the backup on a USB flash drive.
  2. If emailing the league, attach the backup file to an email and send it to the secretary, or hand over the flash drive.

At the League Secretary:

  1. Backup the league if it’s already on the secretary’s computer by going to UTILITIES > BACKUP > LEAGUE (or MAINTENANCE > BACKUP > LEAGUE if closed).
  2. Delete the league in BLS to avoid mixing data by going to MAINTENANCE > DELETE > LEAGUE.
  3. Restore the league from the center’s backup by going to MAINTENANCE > RESTORE > LEAGUE.
Why Delete the League Before Restoring? Think of it like clearing the table before a meal. If you mix today’s meal with yesterday’s leftovers, it can get messy or even unsafe. Deleting the league first ensures you start with a clean slate, preventing any data from getting mixed up.