How to Restore a League from a Backup

To restore a league from a backup, follow these steps:
  1. Make sure you have the backup file you want to restore.
  2. Open BLS.
  3. If a league is already open, close it to access the Maintenance menu.
  4. Go to Maintenance > Delete League and check if the league you want to restore is already there. If it is, delete it to avoid mixing data.
  5. Go to Maintenance > Restore League.
  6. Select the backup file you want to restore.
  7. The program will restore the league to the default directory unless your Program Preferences specify a different location.
The league should now be restored.

Why delete the league before restoring?
Think of it like clearing the table before a meal. If you mix today’s meal with yesterday’s leftovers, it can get messy or even dangerous. Deleting the league first ensures you're starting with a clean slate, so there’s no mix-up with the old and new data.