Leagues from older programs didn't copy to BLS-2025

If your leagues from older programs didn't copy over to BLS-2025, here are a few things that might be happening:
  1. League is not current: If your league has ended, and you're using File > Open League for Current Season, it won’t show up because it’s not considered current. Instead, go to File > Open Other > Open Any League, and check if your league is there. Also, make sure you're looking in the default directory.
  2. League hasn't been opened yet: If you haven’t opened the league in the new program, it won’t appear in the recently used list. Once you open it, it will show up in the most recent list.
  3. League stored in a different location: If the league wasn’t in the usual location for the older program, you’ll need to find where it was stored and use the Copy League Wizard under Maintenance to bring it into the new BLS-2025.
To fix this, you can try one of these options:
Option 1: Use Maintenance > Copy > Copy League Wizard to copy the league.
Option 2: If you have BLS-2020 or newer, you can copy the leagues manually:
  1. Go to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\BLS[your previous version] and find the Leagues folder.
  2. Copy that folder.
  3. Then go to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\BLS2025 and paste it there, overwriting the Leagues folder.
For example, if you're copying from BLS-2024, go to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\BLS2023, right-click on the Leagues folder, and select COPY. Then, go to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\BLS2025, right-click in the open area, and select PASTE. This will move your leagues from 2024 to 2025.
Option 3: Use the Backup/Restore League feature:
  1. In your previous BLS version (BLS-2019 or newer), back up each league to your desktop or a USB drive.
  2. Then, in BLS-2025, use the Restore League feature to bring them back.
Note:If none of this works, the league files might not be in the expected location. To find out where the league is stored, open it in your older program and click the Support tab. You'll see a "LOCATION: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" that shows where the league is saved. You can then point the Copy Wizard in the new BLS-2025 program to that folder to find the league.