How to set up a Vacancy when the base, percentage or handicap is different

If you need to set up a Vacancy with a different base, percentage, or handicap, and your league has voted for this, here’s what to do. Sometimes, the league might decide that a vacant score should be treated differently than usual. For example:
  • The vacant score is set at 130, but the handicap is based on a 150 average.
  • The league usually uses 90% of 220 for handicaps, but for a vacant score, it might be 150 with 80% of 200.
To set this up:
  1. Open BLS.
  2. Open your League.
  3. Go to Setup > Rules.
  4. Click on the Vacant Players tab.
  5. Set the option "Use the Other gender columns base and handicap information for VACANTS instead of the gender of the bowler" to YES.
  6. Enter the vacant scratch score you want in the "OTHER" column under Vacancy score.
  7. Go to the Individual Handicaps tab.
  8. Adjust the handicap percentage and Base to match what your league has decided.
  9. Close the rules screen.
This will make sure that the vacant scores are set up according to your league’s preferences.