Vacancy fees not appearing after entering V code

If the vacancy fees are not showing up in the Weekly Fees after entering the "V" fee code, it is likely due to the Grace Period setting in the Fee Setup screen.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Fee Setup:
    • Open the Fee Setup screen from the program.
  2. Check the Grace Period Setting:
    • Navigate to the "More Information" tab.
    • Locate the Grace Period setting.
  3. Adjust the Grace Period:
    • Set the Grace Period to 0 if it is currently set to a number greater than zero.
When the Grace Period is set to a number greater than zero, the program interprets this as the number of weeks that teams are not required to pay for vacancies. Setting it to 0 will ensure that vacancy fees are applied immediately when you enter the "V" code on the Weekly Fee screen.