Unable to switch a bowler from "Certified" to "Not Certified".

If you're unable to switch a bowler from "Certified" to "Not Certified," it could be because your Association Setup is configured to automatically consider all bowlers as certified without tracking financial information. This setup is often used by bowling centers that need to keep track of awards but not individual certifications.
To correct this and manually manage certifications, follow these steps:
  1. Access Association Setup:
    • Go to the Certify option on the main menu.
    • Select Association Setup.
  2. Adjust the Certification Setting:
    • At the top of the page, locate the "Certifications" box.
    • Move the slider to "No" in the "Consider all bowlers as certified" option.
By doing this, you will be able to manually manage which bowlers are certified and which are not, giving you control over their certification status.