How to Use Jackpot Tickets and Mystery Score Features

How to Use Jackpot Tickets and Mystery Score Features

Jackpot Tickets

  1. Select Tickets:
    • Use the toggle switch to choose which tickets you want to use.
  2. Set Ticket Range:
    • Enter the starting (low) ticket number. You can use the Page Up or Page Down keys to quickly increase or decrease the number by 20.
    • Repeat the process for the ending (high) ticket number. The program will automatically calculate the number of tickets sold.
  3. Start the Draw:
    • Click Start Spinning! Once the spinning starts, the Pick a Number button will light up.
  4. Pick a Number:
    • Click Pick a Number! The last number generated will appear in the black box with green numbers.
    • You can choose to accept this number or throw it back and pick another.

Mystery Score

  1. Select Mystery Score:
    • Toggle the switch to select which Mystery Score you want to use.
  2. Set Score Range:
    • Enter a minimum score. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to adjust the score faster.
    • Enter a maximum score in the same way.
  3. Set No Repeats:
    • Enter the number of "No Repeats" to ensure that the same score isn’t selected too often.
  4. Generate a Score:
    • Click on the Generate a Score button. Continue to hit this button until a winning score is generated.
These steps will help you manage the Jackpot Tickets and Mystery Score features effectively, making the process smooth and fun for everyone involved.