Setting Up Bracket Options

Setting Up Bracket Options

After you've configured the basic structure of your bracket, you can customize it further with these options:
  1. Title of the Bracket Set:
    • Change the title to something that clearly describes the type of bracket, making it easier to identify.
  2. Games Used in the Bracket:
    • Choose which games will be used for this bracket set and set the order. You can even create "reverse" brackets by starting with Game 3 and ending with Game 1.
  3. Scratch or Handicap Brackets:
    • Decide whether the bracket winners are determined by scratch scores (actual scores) or handicap scores.
  4. Tie-Breaking Rule:
    • Select the rule for resolving ties. You can refer to the HELP file for details on how to override this option if needed.
  5. Limiting Brackets:
    • You can limit the number of brackets available in each set and restrict how many brackets a bowler can enter. Set these limits as appropriate for your league.
  6. Byes:
    • If there aren’t enough bowlers to fill a bracket, a bye occurs. Indicate whether byes are allowed for this bracket set.
  7. Additional Qualification Options:
    • Configure brackets based on age, average, or other criteria. Options include:
      • Minimum/maximum age
      • Minimum/maximum average
      • Adults only, kids only, or both
      • Separate by gender
      • Restrict to a single division if divisions are set up
These settings will help tailor the bracket to suit your league's specific needs.