Understanding The Pin Drop Rule In a Handicap League

Understanding the Pin Drop Rule in a Handicap League

The Pin Drop Rule in a handicap league applies to the bowler's average, not the handicap itself.

How It Works:

  • When using the Pin Drop Rule, the handicap is calculated based on the drop pin average, not the bowler's actual (or "true") average.


  • A bowler starts with a book average of 200.
  • After a rough week, their average drops to 180.
  • With a 10-pin drop rule, the bowler’s average is adjusted to 190 (not the full drop to 180).
  • If the league's handicap is 90% of 200, the maximum handicap the bowler can receive is 9 pins, calculated from the 190 drop pin average.
So, no matter how the bowler performs, the handicap will always be based on the adjusted drop pin average, ensuring that the bowler doesn’t gain an unfair advantage from a significant drop in performance.