How to Ensure Substitute Scores Don't Count Towards Awards

How to Ensure Substitute Scores Don't Count Towards Awards

During the season, a substitute bowler might achieve scores high enough to qualify for an award. While the rules can be set to ignore substitute scores for awards, issues can arise once that substitute officially joins the league. In such cases, those earlier scores might start counting towards awards, even though they were bowled as a substitute.
To ensure that scores bowled as a substitute do not count towards awards, follow these steps:
  1. Go Back to the Relevant Weeks:
    • Return to the week or weeks when the bowler was still a substitute.
  2. Access the Override Function:
    • Go to Weekly > Enter Scores.
  3. Mark the Scores as Ineligible:
    • Use the Override function.
    • Select the bowler and check the NOT eligible for league awards option.
By doing this, you ensure that any scores the bowler achieved while they were a substitute will not count towards awards, even after they join the league as a permanent member.