How to Remove Duplicate Bowlers

Sometimes, a bowler may be entered into the system more than once, leading to confusion and issues with averages and handicaps. Here's how to remove duplicate bowlers:
  1. Identify the Duplicate Bowlers:
    • Go to Tasks > Team and Individual Score Histories on the menu bar.
    • Click Bowler History and then Select any Bowler.
    • Locate the first occurrence of the bowler and note the bowler ID#. Print this history.
    • Repeat for each additional occurrence of the bowler, noting the ID# and printing each history.
  2. Determine the TRUE ID#:
    • Review all the Bowler History reports. Identify the first week the bowler has bowled and use that bowler ID# for the rest of the season. This ID# will be the TRUE ID#.
  3. Correct the Scores:
    • Go to the week where the duplicate bowler first bowled and access the Enter Scores screen.
    • Add the TRUE ID# bowler to the scores screen.
    • Move the TRUE ID# bowler underneath the duplicate bowler and enter the scores for that week.
    • Remove the scores from the duplicate bowler ID# and drop the duplicate bowler from the scores screen.
  4. Check and Adjust Wins/Losses:
    • After updating the scores, check the wins/losses. If there are no changes, you're done. If there are changes, make a note of it and be prepared to explain the correction to the league or teams. Also, check position round match-ups and manually adjust them if needed.
  5. Repeat for All Weeks:
    • Repeat steps 6-11 for every week the duplicate bowler has scores.
  6. Clean Up the Records:
    • After confirming that the TRUE ID# has all the games and the duplicate ID#s have none, go to Setup > Edit Any Bowler on the main menu bar.
    • Rename the incorrect ID#s to "VACANT" with a blank last name.
    • Delete the incorrect names from the league file.
Following these steps will help ensure that all scores and records are correctly associated with the right bowler, and any duplicates are properly removed.