Why Isn't the Program Using the Book Average for Bowlers Who Joined Later in the Season?

BLS is set up to use a book average or entering average for a specific number of games or weeks in the league. However, if the program isn’t using the book average for bowlers who joined later in the season, it might be due to how the rule is configured.

Common Issue:

  • The rule might be set to use the first 3 weeks of the league, thinking it applies to each bowler's first 3 weeks. However, this rule actually applies to the first 3 weeks of the league as a whole. Once the league passes the designated week, the program stops using the book or entering average.

How to Fix It:

  1. Change the Rule to Games per Bowler:
    • Adjust the rule to apply based on the number of games each bowler has completed, rather than the weeks of the league.
  2. Calculate the Required Games:
    • Multiply the number of weeks by the number of games bowled each week to determine the total number of games required before the program starts using the bowler’s real average.
By making this adjustment, the program will check each bowler individually to see if they have completed the required number of games before switching to their actual average. This ensures that late-joining bowlers still have their book average used as intended.