Why Are Match Points Wrong for Certain Matches?

Why Are Match Points Wrong for Certain Matches?

By default, the program calculates match points based on each bowler's score plus handicap, comparing it to their opponent's score plus handicap. The player with the higher total wins the point.
However, if you mistakenly checked the rule "Match points are figured with handicap based on the difference in the bowler’s averages," it can cause issues. This rule works differently:
  • When this rule is selected, the program calculates the difference between the two opponents' averages.
  • It then awards handicap based on this difference, giving the extra pins to the lower average player.
  • This method can sometimes result in a different player winning the point than you might expect.
Unless your league rules specifically require this method of calculating match points, it's best not to select this option. Stick with the default method for standard match point calculations.