How to Handle a Bowler Bowling on Two Teams in the same week?

How to Handle a Bowler Bowling on Two Teams in the same week?

In rare cases, a bowler may need to bowl part of a series as a substitute for one team and then finish the series on another team. However, a bowler is never allowed to bowl a single game and have that score count for two different teams. BLS doesn't support a bowler being on more than one team in the same session, so you'll need a workaround.

Workaround Steps:

  1. Add a Dummy Bowler:
    • Add a new dummy bowler to one of the two teams. You can name this bowler "DUMMY" or any other name you choose.
  2. Adjust the Dummy Bowler's Average:
    • Go to Main Menu > Weekly > Enter/Correct Scores > Score > Overrides.
    • Change the dummy bowler's average to match that of the real bowler who is bowling on both teams. This ensures the correct handicap is calculated.
  3. Enter Scores for the Dummy Bowler:
    • Enter only the scores bowled for the dummy bowler on the first team.
  4. Set Up the Real Bowler on the Second Team:
    • Place the real bowler on the second team.
    • For any games that were not bowled on this second team, enter an X into the score field, followed by the score they bowled for the other team. The X type score adds the score to the bowler's average but does not affect the team's totals, ensuring the bowler gets credit without impacting the team’s score.
  5. Enter Remaining Scores Normally:
    • Enter all other scores bowled for the second team as normal scores.
This workaround allows you to properly track a bowler’s scores and averages when they bowl for two different teams in one evening without violating league rules.