How Do Game and Series Counters Work?

How Do Game and Series Counters Work?

BLS allows you to track specific game and series achievements for each bowler, such as the number of times they bowled over 200, 225, or 250 games, or how many 550, 600, and 700 series they’ve rolled. You can set these numbers to track any scores you want.

Setting Up Counters:

  1. Configure Counters:
    • Go to Setup > Rules > Special Recognition and scroll down to the Statistical Information section.
  2. Understanding Counter Order:
    • When using game or series counters, it's important to set them in the correct order. For example, if you want to track 170, 200, and 230 games, you must enter the counters as 170, 200, 230.
    • The system checks each score against the first counter. If a score meets or exceeds the first counter, it increments that counter. If it also meets or exceeds the second counter, it will increment that counter instead, and so on for the third counter.
  3. Changing Counters Mid-Season:
    • If you decide to change the counters during the season, you must go back to week 1 and move forward through each week to properly recalculate the counters.

Tips for Using Counters:

  • Not Using All Counters: If you don’t want to use all three counters, enter a score that’s usually unattainable for the unused counter. For example, use 150, 200, 300 to only track 150s and 200s. The 300 won’t be counted unless actually achieved.
  • Avoid Using Zeros: Do not set any counters to zero, as this can cause issues with tracking.
By setting up these counters, you can accurately track and report on the specific game and series achievements of your bowlers.