Why a Bowler's Average May Drop Prematurely When Using the Absentee Pin Drop Rule

Why a Bowler's Average May Drop Prematurely When Using the Absentee Pin Drop Rule

If your league rules are set to drop a bowler's average after they've been absent for a certain number of weeks, you might notice that a bowler's average drops before reaching the designated number of weeks. This issue can occur if the bowler's record was initially set up as a VACANT.
When you replace the VACANT with the bowler's name, the scores previously entered for the VACANT may be counted as absences, since the bowler wasn't present.

How to Resolve This Issue:

  1. Separate the Records:
    • The Bowler ID needs to be split into two records: one for the VACANT scores and one for the actual bowler.
  2. Create Separate Entries:
    • Keep the original VACANT entry for the weeks it was used.
    • Create a new record for the bowler, starting from the week they first bowled.
This way, the absentee rule will only apply to the actual bowler's attendance, preventing their average from dropping prematurely due to the initial VACANT status.