Why are Awards still detected when Type of Week configured as Fun Night?

Why Are Awards Still Detected When the Week is Configured as a Fun Night?

BLS-2025 is designed to detect Local and National awards for the Fall 2024 through Summer 2025 season whenever scores are entered, regardless of how the week is set up in the schedule.
Even if a week is configured as a Fun Week, it can still be considered a regular league night. This means that if the games were bowled in the standard format, they shouldn't be excluded from National or Local Association awards.
However, many leagues change the format on the final night, such as switching to no-tap, which wouldn’t qualify for awards. BLS-2025 allows you to mark games as not eligible for awards through overrides, but it doesn't provide a way to configure games as eligible. Therefore, the program will continue to detect awards even if the week is marked as a Fun Night.

What to Do If the Final Week is a Fun Night with a Non-Standard Format:

  1. Enter Scores:
    • Go to Weekly > Process > Score Entry.
  2. Override Awards Eligibility:
    • For teams with players who have award scores, go to Menu > Scores > Overrides.
    • Highlight the bowler with the award score.
    • Check the boxes for NOT eligible for association awards and NOT eligible for league awards.
    • Repeat this process for all bowlers with award scores.
  3. Avoid Award Detection:
    • Do not go to the Assoc. & Local Awards Earned This Week menu option.

Important Note:

  • If you plan to print a final List Awards Earned report after bowling the final night, make sure to override the scores to make them not eligible for awards.
By following these steps, you can ensure that awards are correctly managed for non-standard bowling nights like Fun Nights in your league.