How to set up Automatic Scoring

When you first install the Automatic Scoring edition of the program, it’s important to make sure the front desk computer is visible to the program, and that the import and export directories are set up correctly. Here’s how you can do that:

Setting Up Automatic Scoring:

  1. Open BLS:
    • Start the BLS program on your computer.
  2. Access Automatic Scoring Setup:
    • Click on Options > Automatic Scoring Setup.
    • Then, click on Scoring.
  3. Unlock the Screen:
    • To make changes, you’ll need to unlock the screen. Click the LOCK switch on the toolbar and enter the password CDESOFTWARE (this helps prevent accidental changes).
  4. Point BLS to the Right Location:
    • Each scoring system has different requirements, but BLS needs to be connected to the Front Desk computer or the scoring system server.
    • If BLS is installed on a different computer, make sure it can connect to the Front Desk computer over the network. You may need help from your scoring system provider or a network specialist to set this up.
  5. Set Up the Directories:
    • For Export Directory: Enter or browse to the location where BLS should export files, making sure it matches the location where the scoring system expects to find them.
    • For Import Directory: Enter or browse to the location where BLS should import files, ensuring it matches where the scoring system is placing the scores.
    • For the Location of Front Desk or Server: Enter the path or browse to the appropriate location, depending on your scoring system.
  6. Save Your Settings:
    • Click OK to save everything.
In most cases, the program will default to the correct import and export directories. If you’re unsure about the correct locations, it’s a good idea to check with your scoring system manufacturer for guidance.
Now, your Automatic Scoring should be all set up!