How to transfer software and data to person taking over duties

How to Transfer BLS Software from the Outgoing Secretary to the Incoming Secretary

If you need to transfer the BLS software from the outgoing secretary to the incoming secretary, follow these steps:

Step 1: Complete the License Transfer Form

  1. Download the License Transfer Form:
    • Download the form from the provided link.
  2. Complete the Form:
    • The outgoing and incoming secretaries need to fill out their respective portions of the form.
    • Both people must sign the form.
  3. Payment Information:
    • Complete the payment information, if applicable.
  4. Submit the Form:
  5. Wait for Processing:
    • Wait until the license transfer is processed and the incoming secretary receives their new serial number and license registration.

Step 2: Tasks for the Outgoing Secretary

  1. Backup Leagues:
    • Open BLS and go to Maintenance > Backup > League. Backup each league to a portable USB drive.
  2. Backup System Files:
    • Go to Maintenance > Backup > System files and save them to the portable USB drive.
  3. Backup Local Awards:
    • Go to Maintenance > Backup > Local Awards and save them to the portable USB drive.
  4. Backup Common CDE Files:
    • Go to Maintenance > Backup > Common CDE Files and save them to the portable USB drive.
  5. Remove Registration:
    • Go to Options > Registration > Clear All Registrations to remove the BLS registration.
  6. Uninstall BLS:
    • BLS can now be uninstalled from the computer.
  7. Transfer Materials:
    • Give the USB drive, along with any BLS manuals, CDs, or USB materials, to the incoming secretary.

Step 3: Tasks for the Incoming Secretary

  1. Install BLS:
    • Install BLS using the materials provided or download the latest version directly from the CDE Software website.
  2. Register BLS:
    • Register BLS using the new registration details received (do not use the old secretary’s registration).
  3. Restore Leagues:
    • Go to Maintenance > Restore > League and restore each league from the portable USB drive.
  4. Restore System Files:
    • Go to Maintenance > Restore > System files and restore them from the portable USB drive.
  5. Restore Local Awards:
    • Go to Maintenance > Restore > Local Awards and restore them from the portable USB drive.
  6. Restore Common CDE Files:
    • Go to Maintenance > Restore > Common CDE Files and restore them from the portable USB drive.
Following these steps will ensure a smooth transfer of BLS software from one secretary to another.