Taking a tournament between tournament manager and center

Transferring Tournament Data Between a Bowling Center and Tournament Manager

Ensuring both systems are on compatible software versions is crucial for the smooth transfer of tournament data. Below are the key compatibility requirements and step-by-step instructions for both sending and receiving tournament data.

Compatibility Requirements

  • Same Major Version: Both the center and the tournament manager must use the same major version of the software. For example, TBRAC-2024 cannot interchange data with TBRAC-2022.
  • Similar Version Number: Both systems should be updated to a version that addresses any critical bugs affecting data handling, ensuring compatibility during data transfer.

Data Transfer Instructions

From Tournament Manager to Center

  1. Backup Data: Navigate to UTILITIES > BACKUP TOURNAMENT and save the backup to a USB flash drive.
  2. Sending the Data: If not using a USB drive, attach the backup file to an email and send it directly to the center.

Center Receives Data

  1. Backup Existing Tournament: Backup any current tournament data by navigating to Maintenance > Backup > BACKUP TOURNAMENT.
  2. Clear Old Data: Delete the existing tournament via Maintenance > Delete > DELETE TOURNAMENT to prevent data mixing.
  3. Restore New Data: Download the backup from the email, transfer via USB if necessary, and restore it by going to Maintenance > Restore > RESTORE TOURNAMENT.

From Center to Tournament Manager

  1. Backup Data: Save the tournament data on a USB flash drive via UTILITIES > BACKUP TOURNAMENT.
  2. Sending the Data: If not using a USB, email the backup file to the tournament manager.

Tournament Manager Receives Data

  1. Backup Existing Data: Back up any existing tournament data via Maintenance > Backup > BACKUP TOURNAMENT.
  2. Delete Old Data: Delete the existing tournament via Maintenance > Delete > DELETE TOURNAMENT to avoid mixing files.
  3. Restore New Data: Restore the tournament from the backup by navigating to Maintenance > Restore > RESTORE TOURNAMENT.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure accurate and secure data transfers between different systems, maintaining data integrity and compatibility across versions.