Changing Styles used for a report

What’s a style?
Styles are pieces of information put together in a group.  BLS-2024 will use these groups to format each report to reflect the information needed in reports and standing sheets.

An Example: 
Let’s take something simple like a birthday list. There are three important things needed; The name, birthdate and age of each bowler. These items are just three of a long list of available items called style elements. When these items are put together in a group, it becomes a report style such as a birthday list.
If this still doesn’t quite make sense, compare a report style to a sandwich. Not only can you choose what goes into the sandwich, but the order it is assembled. This same concept applies to report styles. A birthday list report style, including the name, birthday and age of the bowler, could be re-arranged to the order of age, name and birthday.
Report styles are common everywhere
 BLS-20243 offers many bowler and team styles that can be customized based on the report information needed. Styles in  BLS-2024 are shared among all leagues and reports. This allows many leagues to share the similar look.
Important note about report styles: It is important to note that since  BLS-2023 shares the same styles among leagues, if a style is changed, it affects all reports in all the leagues that use that style. For example, if the team roster style #41 is modified to reflect a league’s needs, every report in every league that uses that style number will be changed.
The Styles screen
Clicking the Change Styles button will bring up the Styles screen. Choose a style to view or edit.
Each style will have a number. Change the style by clicking the Style Group, then clicking the style name from the Style List list box. A preview of how the style will appear will display in the Style Preview area.
There are 3 sets of Styles available for reports:

1 - 80: Your Bowler Styles These styles are designed for bowler stats or lists and can be modified individually.

120-200: Team Styles These styles are designed for team stats and/or lists. 

201-240: Fixed Styles  These styles are also provided for bowler statistics and/or lists. However modifications to these styles is limited to spacing and font size. 

Using the suggested style
Some reports have suggested styles. If the report being modified has a suggested style the Suggested Style button will light up. Clicking this button will choose the suggested style for the report.
Using the displayed style
When changing style numbers for a report, click Use This to finalize your choice. (Clicking the green check mark will save the changes made to the style without changing the style number used for the report.)

Changing Styles in the Standing Sheet
To change a style in the standing sheet to reflect the items you want to display, open the league and select Setup > Reports > Standing Sheets and then select the section you wish to look different and click Change Style.  Select different style to find one you want to use or pick a style and modify it using the above details to add/remove/change/reorder items.