Access denied error when working with a league

We see isolated cases of these symptoms with league files when BLS is opening or using a specific league and the program is doing file reading and/or writing. Most times, these symptoms are temporary.
Antivirus, malware, security software or automated backup utilities can have unexpected effects on the interoperability between software components within other applications like BLS. In this case, CDE Software has found that the following additional troubleshooting steps will normally help eliminate these errors:
  • Add BLS to the exclusion list to the file scanning and process monitoring of your antivirus utility. See your antivirus help/manual for instructions as CDE Software can not assist.
  • Add C:\Users\Public\Documents\BLS2024 to the file/folder scanning and processing exclusion list (including subfolders).
  • Temporarily disable, if necessary, the Antivirus, Malware or backup utility while using BLS.