Entering Non-Detectable Awards

BTM - 2023 automatically detects awards for USBC, CTF and TNBA as well as awards configured in the local awards and bowling center awards section of the program that are able to be detected based on scores. 

However, there are awards that the program can not automatically detect, such as 11 in a row, 7-10 splits, Dutch 200's, etc.

To award a non-detectable award to a bowler:

Click on H) 7: Enter Non-Detectable Awards

  1. Select the lane the bowler participated on
  2. Select the player
  3. Select the award group that the award is part of
  4. Select the award
  5. Click Assign the Award
  6. Indicate which game the award counts towards or click Game Doesn't Matter.


Once these awards have been assigned, the Award Forms can be printed by going to H) Scores & Results > 7: Assoc. & Local Awards Earned.