Importing Scores (Auto Scoring Only)

Go to the main menu, click on H) Scores& Results > 2: Auto-scoring Import

When squad bowling has completed and the front desk has closed the squad, the scores will be available to be process by BTM - 2013 A/S.

Import Options

There are several options affecting the importing of scores. The following options are available (based on scoring system features):

1.   Re-order Team Rosters matching bowlers at lanes:

In order to provide lineup changes that match between BTM and the lanes, select this option. The roster will be re-ordered to the lineup on the lanes.

2.   Do not tag new bowlers as subs:

Select this option to import new bowlers on the team as regular members, instead of subs. A bowler’s status can be changed to a sub at any time. This feature is simply used to help automation.

Score Removal during import

The following options affect how scores are imported:

·      Remove scores before importing:  Selecting this option will erase scores currently entered and import scores from the front desk.

·      Don’t erase scores:  Maintains scores currently entered and will replace scores found from the front desk.

·      Ask before overwriting:  Same as above, but will prompt before replacing existing scores.

·      Keep existing scores:  Selecting this option will keep existing scores entered and bring in only the new scores.

Ignore ID numbers

·      Select to ignore the bowler ID#’s used during the import process and import scores based on bowler’s name.

Click the Import Scores when finished.  (If running Brackets, click on Import Scores during Bowling, to get bracket results per game.)

Error Log

After scores are imported, an error file is generated. This error file will show any problems or issues that need attention before calculating results.

Typically, scores will appear in the error log due to a bowler being added at the lanes who was not originally registered to bowl on this pair of lanes. 

This can either be a real bowler who is new or a current member who has mistyped their name or entered the wrong ID#.

Also, appearing in the error log can be absentee scores that are incorrectly entered.

Use this report to manually entering or correcting scores.