Adding Obsolete USBC and Obsolete Youth Awards to Local Association Awards

To automatically add the USBC Awards, Obsolete Awards, Old USBC Youth Awards:
  1. Go to Setup, Awards: Local and Bowling Center awards.
  2. Click the Local Association tab, then click the Utilities menu.
  3. Select which awards you would like to add. Example: If you only want the Obsolete USBC awards, click that.If you also want the old USBC Youth awards, repeat the steps previously.
  4. Answer the any of the warning message accordingly.
  5. Go to Setup, Association and Bowling Awards, click on the Association Awards tab, make sure  you have the awards you are giving selected to Yes.
  6. Enter the appropriate information for in the Organization Info Tab, as well as the Local Association tab.
Modifying an award:
To modify an award, click the award group and select the award in the Awards in This Group list box.   The settings or name for this award can now be changed.
Removing an award:
To remove an award, click the award group that the award belongs to and select the award in the Awards in This Group list box. Click Remove Award. The award will then be deleted from this group.