How to use the community forums
Announcement by Lance Rasmussen [CDE Staff] - 11/15/2017 at 11:27 PM
Locked Employee Post Sticky

Creating a new post

When posting a question, be sure to take a look at previous posts in case a similar quesrion was posted. It helps having to keep repeating answers. 

Always, when posting, indicate the name of the program your question is about AND the Edition. It is also always recommended to include the exact version number of the software installed, which can help with responses. For example, you would note "I have BLS-2020 Pro edition version 32.02.03 installed.  My question is....."

It is also helpful that if an answer was given and answered your question, please mark the response as Amswered. 

Type of Threads

There are four types of threads that have different purposes:
  • Announcements - Used by CDE Staff only
  • Ask a Question - Appropriate to use when you have a question on how to use the software
  • Propose and Idea - If you have a feature request, this would be appropriate
  • Report a problem - Use if you found a problem with the software and are reporting a bug.

Giving Thumbs Up

If you see a response to a post that you like, click the Thumbs Up icon next to a post or reply. This helps let you know who some of our most helpful posters are. Remember, with exception of our staff, the posters here are folks in the trenches, like you. We have a lot of customers who have a lot of experience with our program and take the time to help others. 

What is the Team CDE tag?

We have a few customers that are avid and experienced users of our software that have also been active in assisting other users with answers and suggestions to using the software. We've designated these users by adding [Team CDE] at the end of there name to make it easier to recognize. Please be sure to thank them if they have provided you assistance. 
CDE Software Staff
Remember to always make sure you've downloaded and installed the most current update to see if issues experienced have been corrected.