Should I upgrade my scoring systems Windows before installing your software?

First off, you may not need to upgrade the operating system or computers for the entire center. There is only concern for the computer that the CDE product (or any other 3rd party product) will be installed on.

We encourage you to contact your scoring system manufacturer to find out what is necessary and what compatability issues affect the scoring system.

If you are unable to upgrade your scoring equipment, then another possible option is to purchase a new computer from the scoring manufacturer or from a reputable manufacturer and then add this computer to your network. You may need to check with your scoring system manufacturer regarding settings and security.

Providing that the network settings and security is properly configured, you should then be able to properly use the A/S edition of our products.

Important:  It is important to verify your plans with the scoring system to insure compatability and warranty issues.  You should also verify any appropriate security or configuration needs with the scoring system.  While CDE can help guide your configuration of CDE's A/S product, it is outside the scope of our support to guide you in configuring Windows, networks, network security or scoring system configuration.