Old Support Message Board
Question asked by Ann Cummins - 3/14/2014 at 11:44 AM
If the old form is no longer in use, then why is it on the home page?  Just for reference?

3 Replies

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Because there are still a lot of answers there is someone searches properly for them.
Lance Rasmussen [CDE Staff] Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
We're going to be temporarily taking down the old board.  I've been getting too many emails from people saying they can't post on the old board - Not reading the message about the change.
CDE Software Staff --------------- Remember to always make sure you've downloaded and installed the most current update to see if issues experienced have been corrected.
User Replied
We appreciate your concern. Though there are many answers to questions that have been posted in the past, we will take down the old board. We are sorry that having the old questions and answers available was causing problems.

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